Understand the full grants management process, the current regulatory requirements (OMB Revised 2022 Guidance) governing grants and the role of auditors in developing strategies for assessing compliance and performance. Learn to develop audit objectives and procedures to identify issues and recommendations for constructive feedback, corrective action and accountability. Learn the stages of effective grants management from award, monitoring, audit and close-out. Become skillful at implementing strategies for auditing, application of cost principles performance measurement and reporting through each of the grant stages by applying those strategies in case studies. This course is part of the Certified Government Auditor (CGA) program, Level 1.
3 days
Who Should Attend?
Auditors and others involved in the grants process.
1.8 CEU's, 24 CPE'sLearning Outcomes:
- Explain the full grants management process and current regulatory requirements governing grants
- Identify the role of auditors in providing guidance and feedback to grants managers
- Describe the role of auditors in providing audit recommendations, assistance and other constructive feedback to grants managers
- Identify options for audit objectives and procedures that are achievable and will provide timely, useful information
- Identify issues beyond compliance that need to be audited
Other Recommended Courses:
- Federal Appropriations Law for Auditors (AUDT7010)
- Contract Auditing (AUDT8802)
- Data Analytics: Tool and Techniques (AUDT8913)
- Auditing with Data Analytics (AUDT8100)
- Assessing Financial-Related Activities and Controls (AUDT8811)
Module 1: Introduction to Auditing Assistance Agreements (Grants and Cooperative Agreements)
Module 2: Phases of the Assistance Agreement Process
Module 3: Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Module 4: Cost Allowability Principles: 2 CFR 200, Subpart E
Module 5: Practical Exercise: Developing an Audit Program