Auditing Performance Outcomes (AUDT9012)


Auditing Performance Outcomes


Gain the skills of advanced program performance assessment and evaluation methodology for determining impact (benefit) attributable to agency program operations, investments, and changes. Learn to identify and validate cause and effect relationships in determining the outcome results of a program initiative or change. Explore various evaluation designs to isolate the results or impacts attributable to an initiative or intervening variable by comparing performance achieved with the initiative to performance without it. Learn the conditions, strengths, and weaknesses of applying each design, in accounting for rival causes. Through multiple case exercises, practice planning audits and evaluations using the design methodologies that lead to valid and supportable findings. Learn how to prepare a Cost/Benefit Analysis to determine if outcome results attributable to a program initiative are worth the cost. This course is part of the Certified Government Auditor (CGA) program,Level 2.


2 days



Who Should Attend?

Auditors with extensive experience in performance auditing.


1.2 CEU's, 16 CPE's

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognize what audit questions call for an impact audit with the objective of determining the outcome results attributable to a program or initiative
  • Explain how impact audits with a focus on outcome results are similar to and different from traditional performance audits
  • Describe the basic methodology for conducting impact audits
  • Define and apply the finding elements for impact audits
  • Cite the items of background information about the program or initiative under audit that needs to be collected in conducting an impact audit
  • Write objectives that provide direction for planning and reporting on impact audits
  • Identify rival causes that can adversely affect an auditor's ability to draw sound conclusions about the results attributable to a program or initiative
  • Choose and apply the methodology design that is most applicable in conducting a given impact audit considering data availability and rival causes
  • Explain the use of Cost and Benefit Analysis and how the results of impact audits are used in such analysis
  • Prepare a Cost and Benefit Analysis of an implemented program or initiative



Other Recommended Courses:

Module 1: Basics in Auditing Outcomes

Module 2: Preparing for an Impact Audit

Module 3: Designs for Conducting Impact Audits

Module 4: Applying the Designs

Module 5: Cost and Benefit Analysis
