Effective Grants Manager (GRNT7025)


Effective Grants Manager


This course explores the critical steps toward increasing economy, efficiency and effectiveness of grants and grant-funded programs. As a participant in this class, you will explore current issues and events in grants management along with how to successfully prepare for a grant audit. You will find this course to be informative in guiding your approach to managing your organization's grant portfolio, whether you are a Federal employee or private sector grant administrator with financial, performance or compliance responsibilities. Participants will also learn and apply the general and technical competencies identified by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to help ensure successful grants management outcomes.



Who Should Attend?

This course is intended for recipients of Federal assistance awards, pass-through entities, grant managers at all levels of the organization, Federal program and financial staff (particularly individuals in the GS-1109 classification series), and audit staff whose duties include compliance testing and program evaluation. At a minimum, participants should have proficiency in the OPM General and Technical Competencies for equivalent grade levels shown in Appendix A. Participants are encouraged to complete Introduction to Grants Management, and Grants Performance Measurement and Monitoring offered at Graduate School USA throughout the year prior to enrolling.


1.8 CEU's, 24 CPE's

Learning Outcomes:



Other Recommended Courses:
