Gain the information needed to advise new, current and separating employees about their benefits. Learn about the Federal Employees Health Benefit (FEHB) program, Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) program, Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), CSRS Offset, Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), and Social Security. Make sure you can accurately and thoroughly analyze and respond to questions from employees about their federal employee benefits.
5 days
Who Should Attend?
HR practitioners who administer and apply federal employee benefits.
3 CEU'sLearning Outcomes:
- Determine retirement system coverage for new hires, rehires, transfers and converted employees
- Explain the basics of the Social Security eligibility and survivor benefits
- Explain the basics of the Thrift Savings Program and withdrawal options
- Determine retirement eligibility dates, identify creditable service and calculate basic annuity amounts under CSRS and FERS
- Determine and explain eligibility requirements, options and coverage for FEHB and FEGLI
Other Recommended Courses:
- Workers Compensation and Disability Retirement (BENE8104)
- CSRS and FERS Retirement and Benefits (BENE8201)
- Workers Compensation and Disability Retirement (BENE8104)
- CSRS and FERS Retirement and Benefits (BENE8201)
Day one of five
- Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB)
- Types of plans
- Part-time employee's contributions and calculations
- Family members and dual enrollments
- Temporary employees
- Eligibility requirements for retirement
- Agency's procedures at retirement
- Medicare and FEHB
- Death of an employee/survivor benefits
- Reemployed annuitants
- End day one
Day two of five
- Federal Employees Groups Life Insurance (FEGLI)
- Types and amounts of insurance
- Viatical settlement agreement
- Components of basic life insurance and coverage
- Effective dates of coverage
- Incontestability clause
- Cancellation of waiver or declination
- Notice of conversion
- Eligibility requirements for retirement
- Post-retirement coverage and cost
- Agency procedures at retirement
- Death of an employee/survivor benefits
- Designation of beneficiary forms and information
- Methods of claims payment
- Reemployed annuitants
- Voluntary Contribution Plan
- Deposits and limitations
- Interest rates
- Retirement usage
- Additional survivor's annuity
- Death before and after retirement
- Taxes
- End day two
Day three of five
- Thrift Savings Plan
- CSRS employees participation requirements
- FERS employees participation requirements
- Open seasons
- Interfund Transfers
- Eligibility rules for new hires
- Eligibility rules for rehired employees
- G, F, and C funds
- Loan Program
- Withdrawal program
- IRS limitations and taxes
- Coverage
- CSRS prior to 1984
- CSRS interim period
- CSRS Offset
- CSRS exclusions
- FERS and TransFers
- Coverage rules
- 5-year test and determining coverage
- End day three
Day four of five
- CSRS Overview
- Eligibility rules
- Creditable service rules
- Computation formula for regular and reduced retirement
- CSRS Offset and computation formula
- Deposits and redeposits
- Creditable military service
- Types of retirement
- Disability retirement and computation formula
- Survivor benefits
- Death in service
- End day four
Day five of five
- FERS Overview
- Eligibility requirements
- MRA +10 requirements
- Creditable service
- Redeposit before 1-1-89
- Types of retirement
- Disability retirement and Social Security requirements
- FERS Special Retirement Supplement
- Survivor's benefits
- Social Security Overview
- Social Security and Medicare taxes
- Wage base
- Retirement eligibility and age requirements
- Delayed retirement credits
- Calculating Social Security benefits
- Government Pension Offset
- Windfall Elimination Provision
- Benefits for survivors
- Former spouses benefits
- Medicare Part A and Part B coverage
- Medicare enrollment periods