Discover how to use position management tools, techniques, and methods to support a high-performing organization. Obtain a solid understanding of the role of position management in succession planning. Learn to identify and correct the following problems: fragmentation, layering, unnecessary positions, narrow supervisor-to-employee ratio, job dilution, missing career ladders, workforce/PD inconsistencies and inaccurate position descriptions.
2 days
Who Should Attend?
HR practitioners, management and program analysts, supervisors, managers and team leaders who are responsible for position management and increasing work unit efficiency.
1.2 CEU'sLearning Outcomes:
- Understand position management and its historical impact on federal agency programs
- Recognize the impact of organizational mission on position design
- Understand how organizational structures and common patterns of assigning duties affect position design
- Recognize the symptoms associated with common position management problems and how to resolve them
- Identify and apply the appropriate staffing and classification tools necessary to deal with position management issues
- Learn the various agency roles and responsibilities in the position management process
Other Recommended Courses:
Day One of Two
- Introduction and course overview
- Overview of position management
- Defining position management
- History of position management
- Position management basics
- Defining organizational mission and goals
- Organizational design vs. position management
- Organizational structures
- Balancing outside forces
- Common patterns of assigning duties
- Effective position management planning
- Define position management problems
- Recognize weaknesses
- Identify symptoms and solutions
- Define position's purpose
- Evaluate position structure
- Position management tools
- Job analysis
- Steps in job analysis
- Identifying job tasks
- Identifying and defining KSAs/competencies
- Documenting your analysis
- Steps in job analysis
Day Two of Two
- Position management tools (cont'd)
- Classification
- Position management and classification
- General rule
- Mixed grade positions
- Mixed series positions
- Leader work
- Putting it all together
- Position management roles and responsibilities
- Who plays a part?
- Delegations of authority
- Position management and competitive outsourcing
- Background: competitive outsourcing
- Most efficient organization
- Conducting A-76 studies
- Cost comparison
- Streamlined cost comparison