Information Technology for Auditors (AUDT8024)


Information Technology for Auditors


Learn the components of information technology and how they are organized, developed and managed; how technology affects your audit responsibilities; and the guidelines governing audits performed under the Government Auditing Standards. UPDATED TO REFLECT THE REVISED 2014 INTERNAL CONTROL STANDARDS ISSUED BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL. This course is part of the Certified Government Auditor (CGA) program, Level 1.


2 days



Who Should Attend?

Auditors at all levels who want to learn how information technology affects an auditor's responsibilities and performance. To learn more about the information systems audit process, enroll in Information Systems Auditing (AUDT8029A)


1.2 CEU's, 16 CPE's

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe how information technology is organized, developed, and managed
  • Explain how technology affects your responsibilities
  • Cite standards and guidelines governing audit performed under the Government Auditing Standards



Other Recommended Courses:

Module 1: Basic Computer Concepts, Components and Terms

Module 2: Impact of Information Technology on the Auditor

Module 3: Protection of Information Assets

Module 4: Contingency Planning

Module 5: Systems Development, Acquisition, Implementation, Maintenance and Review

Module 6: Internal Controls

Module 7: Auditing Standards and Guidelines
