Suitability Adjudication (STAF8101)


Suitability Adjudication


Learn how to perform suitability screening and adjudication for Federal employment. Understand the statutory and regulatory requirements of Title 5 CFR, Part 731, and the criteria used to make suitability determinations. Apply the Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) methodology for designating position risk and model for making suitability determinations.


3 days



Who Should Attend?

Adjudicators who are authorized by their agencies to handle suitability case processing and adjudication as delegated by OPM under Title 5 CFR, Part 731.


1.8 CEU's

Learning Outcomes:

Designate the risk levels of positions within your agency Review character and conduct against suitability standards from 5 CFR 731 Know what cases to refer to for suitability review and adjudication Use guidelines to adjudicate basic suitability determinations Know when to refer a case to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for debarment consideration or take your own suitability action Recognize merit fraud Understand OPM adjudications, how to refer cases to OPM for reopen, understand case transmittal forms and investigative file maintenance Know how to take action in suitability cases



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